Frequently Asked Questions

I personally take care of all the follow-up of the patient after the surgery.
Approximately between day 10 and day 15 all the scabs have fallen off. From the third week, all the transplanted hair falls out, including part of the hair itself, and it is from the third month that the hair begins to grow gradually until one year.

It is essential to work with a qualified healthcare team. My team consists of an anesthesiologist and two nurses. This is medicine and health, and the fundamental and first thing is to guarantee the well-being of the patient

Of course, hair transplantation in women is very satisfactory. There are more and more alopecia problems among women and it is true that in these cases diagnosis is essential. Know what the woman specifically expects, know what we can achieve, study her donor area well, where we are going to place the hair and of course in women I perform the FUE-SR technique without shaving.

It is absolutely worth undergoing a hair transplant. In my experience, practically one hundred percent of patients when time has passed (their hair has already grown) to the question “are you glad you had surgery?”, the answer is emphatically yes. For me, seeing patient satisfaction encourages me to seek excellence every day.

The transplanted hair, if the surgery is well done, never falls out due to androgenic alopecia. It can fall out for other reasons, due to the life cycle of the hair, illness, medication, stress… but if the surgery is well done, if we only take the good hair from the donor area, that permanent hair will last forever. I have patients operated on 25 years ago and they only keep the transplanted hair, even though they have lost the rest of their hair.

The first four days are very delicate. I recommend that the patient take relative rest, that is, that they do not overexert themselves and that they moderate their physical activity. It is these first four days until the graft takes root/takes root in the new recipient area that are very delicate, where any friction could take the graft away.
As of the eighth day, the scabs fall off both in the donor area and in the recipient area, and it is from then (on the eighth/tenth day), when these scabs fall off, that I tell patients that they can go about their normal lives and resume their normal physical activity.

I am personally in charge of performing the entire surgical intervention that lasts about 7-8 hours:
-First, between the patient and me, we design where I want the hair to be transplanted to go and I prepare the donor area.
-Then it happens with the anesthetist and after study, sedation, and local anesthesia, I perform the extraction of the follicular units one by one.
-After the extraction I mark with a specific instrument of my method where I want each graft to go and the direction it should take. This is the most important and the most beautiful part, where each surgeon leaves his mark.
-Finally, with the help of my two qualified nurses we finished placing the grafts in the area that I have planned

The hair transplant postoperative period is not painful at all.
The day of surgery, the patient remembers it with “comfort” thanks to the care of the anesthetist and the medication.
The first days of the postoperative period, you could have a sensation of inflammation, which is something that is completely normal, but not painful at all.

Currently, practically one hundred percent of hair transplant surgeries are performed using the FUE technique, I only perform the FUSS technique on those patients who have an old surgery with an unsightly scar in the donor area.

It is indeed possible to perform a hair transplant to cover other body areas with excellent results. Like, for example: the beard, the eyebrows, the pubis, scars… the donor area is still the occipital area.



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